Genesis 6:11- The
earth became corrupt before God; the earth was filled with lawlessness. 12 When
God saw how corrupt the earth was, for all flesh had corrupted its ways on
earth, 1
God said to Noah,
"I have decided to put an end to all flesh, for the earth is filled with
lawlessness because of them: I am about to destroy them with the earth!”
G-d instructs Noah to
gather “HIS” immediate family (his own wife and their 3 sons, and their
respective wives) & the animals of course, so “AFTER” the massive rains and
flooding that will perish ALL… with-in the 40 days and 40 nights, and THEN the
“recreation” can successfully occur and the world can honestly start a new, and
be recreated per G-d’s Directive!!! And believe me, this is a labor of love, on
G-d’s part, but Oy, Really doesn’t want to do this again and again and again,
and figures, a NEW start is just what is needed, and the acceptance of how men
and women act, needs to be ‘tolerated’, and adjusted, although still observed
carefully, with the acceptable and unacceptable behaviors in motion.
Reader’s Digest Version: So over a time span of a few
hundred years, the Earth perished, but Noah, Family, and a flock of animals
were saved(as Noah was reverent to G-d), so when the time came, proactive and
procreation could successfully rebuild G-d’s Original plan, although ….now take
2! And to be put back all new once
again! Rather Exhausting and very laborious, but the message is well taken
OBVIOUSLY, and G-d needs to do…. what G-d must do!
The point really is
simple; WE create and recreate!!! BUT really, let’s look at people, as
I look at my own children; a son and a daughter, Nathan and
Mia, or any child for that matter!
Nathan is a kid that loves his LEGOs among ALL his electronic
games, Xbox, iPad, iPhone, laptop, iPod!,etc…
And Mia got a sewing machine for her birthday a few years
back and literally just asked me for thred to start sewing once again, after a
long hiatus.
Nathan is such a cool kid!
Nathan really understands Legos; Nathan builds Lego’s per directions and
goes thru the process (actually without looking or reading them), and lets the
building stand in its existence for some time. He is so proud and shows
everybody his “model”… and I mean everybody! Being the proud father, I have
YouTubed part of the process and send to my folks, etc…. It is, and it was cool, how it was created,
and how Nathan’s mind works! The process is amazing! In time, he either gets bored, or seriously
peeved, that he ran out of pieces/blocks, or just anxious and creative, so he
totally destroys, tears apart, demolishes, destructs, ruins, disregards and
”all” the other words that mean to destroy and rebuild with intent……. and uses
the same exact pieces that let’s say made a fire truck, and NOW takes his time
and creativity, and reconstructs each piece with his creative hands and spirit
into The Empire state building or a Temple maybe!? And like that of the
Earth, again, those same exact building
blocks(more or less), but a fresh start in Nathan’s mind and that of a physical
space, allowing him to re-create, restructure, restart,…and this really
parallels G-d’s actions with Noah!
My daughter Mia, started sewing a few years back, as we
bought her a sewing machine for her birthday.
She learned many stitches, and how to use different fabric, and
honestly, she learned “Processes and Procedures”………. So one day, Mia took a
little of this and a lot of that, and just attached one another together via
her sewing machine, creating… I don’t know what! But, SHE created! One day, she came down stairs, with a very looooong,
and I mean long blanket of many different pieces of fabric and what I think are
or were remnants of jeans, sweats, swim
suits, blouses, towels, etc., and things that she had sewn
before!.................. Really, Things and fabric that had a purposeful use
once before. She re-CREATED,
Period! She grew tired of those jeans or
that blouse, or shall I say, “Grew out of them to her liking (she’s grown a lot
over the past year!), AND she decided to start a new, and RECREATE with
purpose! For Mia, she took a new look
and started all over and built the longest blanket I've ever seen! She created something new, and something
fresh in HER mind, as did G-d in G-d’s mind!
G-d did indeed CREATE the world, and things happened… good,
bad and indifferent. We change our minds as people, WE GROW….. We error, we try
again hopefully with great successes, implemented by our own
imaginations!!!! With that understood,
G-d took care and needed to rectify the Bad and indifferent, and adjusted the
plans of action and used Noah as that of purpose and the vessel, and tore down
and recycled.
G-d did indeed
create us in his/her own IMAGE (and own heart), so Nathan and Mia’s play and
all of our doings, indeed mirrors that of G-d’s, doesn't it? We can learn a lot about faith, spirituality,
religion, belief from our children and their innocent actions!
I recommend to each of you, take something that might need
changing, even slightly in your life, and take a look, a very deep look, and make
the adjustment, make the proactive, imaginative, positive change for the good
of ALL!
Originally written/published Oct 2013, revised/update/ implemented happily Oct 2014
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