Is Seeing Really Believing;Have Sincere Faith
October 31 & November 1, 2014 Cheshvan 7 & 8,5775
......And G-D said to Abraham, 'Go forth from your native and comfortable land and from your father's home to the land that I will show you.
I will make of you a great nation,
I will bless you;
I shall make your name great,
And you will be a blessing.
I will bless those that bless you
And curse those that curses you;
And all the families of the Earth
Shall bless themselves by you.'
Abraham listened with sincere intent to G-d,and did as instructed.
He was also made other promises by G-d that he never actually saw - you shall be famous, you will be wealthy, you will have children, but the one that was the essence of his relationship with G-d - the promise of the land - was never seen or realized in his own lifetime! In fact, G-d told him this; he would NEVER live to actually see this ever happen and come to fruition. This is one of the great attributes and characteristics of Abraham - the same person who was so entrusted in the promises of G-d, knowing that he would never see the realization come true, and honesty show and practice pure faith!
We, as people have lived to see certain parts of our own lives and many,many promises made to us that have not yet to be fulfilled.
Does this mean to give up? Does this mean defeat? Should you bury your head in the sand, and not march progressively forward? If we did that, we would show weakness,and have actually not learned and absorbed what the lesson really is today.
So, when you come to a difficult decision,a growth opportunity, or something challenging or a not such an easy task at hand,ask yourself most sincerely, "WWAD"..What Would Abraham Do?
Have Faith, even when you can't see. G-d will walk with you all the way!
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