Friday, October 7, 2016

Vayelech - Your Imprint, Your Legacy!

Vayelech - Your Imprint, Your Legacy!   
 October 7, 8  2016       Tishrei 5, 6 5777

 “I am now 120 years old, & I can NO longer be active” ……………  So Moses approaches Joshua per G-d’s instructions, and basically says, “Hey I am going to die, and YOU need to be the leader and LEAD to the Promised Land….. I’ve started this 40+ year trek, & now it’s your turn to keep it alive to fruition in G-d’s manner and way!  So with that said, Moses and Joshua have a meeting of the minds, and outline a VERY, VERY explicit detailed map how to carry on…….Obviously, Moses is extremely committed, but he still faces his own mortality, He has really made a name for himself and his legacy on what he has accomplished in life and knows he is going to die without reaching (PHYSICALLY) the promised LAND! 

Every day, we should review our own actions, & measure our own actions and social impact (hopefully proactive and positive)…Even little blessings do indeed help and just might help another without you ever knowing it- that in itself is a true blessing.  Do we help and aide the community that surrounds us; do we offer a lending hand even when not asked ( awesome!), do we teach others to grow spiritually one step at a time?   We are our own authors along creating our own legacy - our own Social, Moral, Spiritual impact on others and the world that surrounds them!  It's part of what makes us unique and allows us to be and have a proactive and progressive impact- it's our own fingerprint, part of our very own definition, our legacy!  We can create, we can build up, we can have impact - We as humans have an amazing and beautiful ability to positively affect our world in such an awesome manner and create an impact proactively and positively- your choice! Just Do It! 
We all should think – “What has been or will be MY legacy; what am I going to leave and or IMPACT?” (What have I or YOU done to pass on). Have we practiced with acts of kindness, such as volunteering, helping our children or our elderly, aiding our poor and our hungry?  Did we invite a friend that was alone over to our home, or offer an ear just to listen!????  OR have we practiced any of the Mitzvahs/Blessings we all should practice?!  Simply, did we smile and acknowledge another human being?!
  We are all human and we are not perfect or have awesome days each and every day (in fact, we all have experienced anger, stubbornness, sadness, loss of, or just what appears to be a bad day), but we should really believe in the good of people, the Love of Humankind, & Tikkun Olam (repairing the world/healing humanity one Mitzvah/Blessing at a time!)

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