Thursday, August 4, 2016

Mattos-Massei – Always Grow, always be open, and be kind to _______

Mattos-Massei – Always Grow, always be open, and be kind to _______
August 5/6, 2016  Av 1/2 , 5776

Moses is leading the people into the land of Israel and has to make some difficult decisions, and he does this by practicing his faith and sincere beliefs, and being a person of his word, of good and correct behaviors. He makes a promise and keeps his promise!!!!........ In Mattos-Massei, we learn a valuable lesson, that of keeping one’s word and how we should be that person; a person of good moral character. This is to be an honorable, respectful, and reverent human being.  The ancient scholars believed we should NOT take a hard line and extremely difficult vows and not to make promises about things that are out of our control, as NOT everything can be in OUR very own control.  Moses is keeping his word and acting like a MENSCH (An upstanding, worthy, honorable adult person) –  Usage - “Be a mensch! Admit your mistake and make things good.”        
 How does one attain the label and become a mensch?  We all should most definitely try to be a MENSCH!  There are definite times that we aren’t so ‘menschy’ though, as humans do error, but through true belief, and a mind open to learning, to changing, we learn from our mishaps. Life Lessons!
In this parsha/portion, we learn about the journey from Egypt to Israel, and all 42 stops along the way.  We, as people do not walk in a straight line, although it is the shortest distance that joins them. As humans, we take a step progressively forward, and at times, a few backwards.  We should never be overly discouraged, and we should continue our path of a spiritual and emotional walk, just as our forefathers fled from Egypt and took a few steps back here and there; they did indeed finally prevail!  We see, even when Israel is within reach, it is not a state of perfection.  That’s okay, as there is a plan; keep doing what you do, even when you scrape your knees, and strive to always be open to learning, and walk like that of a mensch and with sincere focus!  We ALL fall short and must realize that as long as we keep trying with honest intent; our walk to honor-ability is very present, and is a true ability that can be attained.   Take baby steps when needed, and even crawl at times, as long as you’re moving progressively forward! Progress!

     A dear friend shared a story about his friend, a ranch owner in Colorado, and he would wear the biggest and brightest Stetson Cowboy hat bedazzled when drive by tourist season occurred, instead of his very own and worn in comfy cowboy hat.   A tourist was visiting the ranch, and asked, “Why a big bedazzled Cowboy hat that is obviously somewhat flashy, and not a worn and worked in Cowboy hat?”  His reply, “Because I don’t want people to think I am JUST any ranch hand – I am the owner!” Makes one think!  Ego does get in the way at times.  It is NOT the way you dress, it is not about the money you make, and bills showing in your wallet, it is not always about what you say, but it is what you strive for and become that defines you! It is how we walk, and show our true sincerity and love!  It is how we treat others- ALL! It is how we learn to become a better person!  We are forever evolving and growing.  Be kind and change the world!

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