Thursday, July 28, 2016

Pinchas - Allow your Soul to Shine so very bright !

Pinchas - Allow your Soul to Shine so very bright!

July 29/30, 2016   Tammuz 23/24, 5776

In this week’s Torah portion, we see how G-D gave his covenant of peace. Pinchas was a rather troubled human being, as he did not have inner peace or any calmness, and therefore always worrying about what ‘others’ would say or thinking about him or his actions!  Pinchas’s  Zadye (Grandfather) was Yisro, who at one time was not ONLY an idol worshipper, but a leader/priest of many different ‘cults’. Because of this very fact, Pinchas was teased and ridiculed!  It can be said then, he had somewhat of inferiority complex of sorts, and felt some inferiority and/or uncertainty. He worried too much about what others thought.  ‘Some’ have said and may have doubt that his rather brave act of slaying Zimri and Kosbi was really motivated by pure thoughts of saving the People from the plague, OR was it REALLY in fact of rescuing his reputation?? Inquiring minds want to know!!!!

G-D did indeed confirm that his (Pinchas) thought and actions were pure.  G-D’s confirmation relieved the doubt and the questioning!  He, Pinchas was a worrier, and this act of valor was not only brave, but proved he could “Just Do It”.

Today, we live in such a society that EVERBODY knows, sees, judges, everything everyone does, and his/her actions. Look at Facebook; how many likes does my posting get? Do ‘my friends like the picture of my dog eating my child’s food?’  ‘Do I have the best party pics posted?’  ‘Darn, just 2 people liked it, or now, hearted it!’. Or, WOW, 43 likes and 2 shares!!!! Yippee!!!  We live in a society that we look for approval, such as Facebook “LIKES”? Or Twitter follows…..or clicks/smiles/views upon my Instagram pictures; is that how it works?

Unfortunately, image and acceptance to often motivates our actions, but honestly, we should not be so concerned what other people say or think, as that action is called GOSSIP and pure hear say. We should rather focus on allowing and making ourselves the best we can be, treat others with the utmost respect, speak calmly and politely with sincerity, share and listen with heart. Tikkun Olam –
A Jewish concept defined by acts of kindness performed to perfect or repair the world. The phrase is found in the Mishnah, a body of classical rabbinic teachings. It is often used when discussing issues of social policy, insuring a safeguard to those who may be at a disadvantage. In modern Jewish circles, tikkun olam has become synonymous with the notion of social action and the pursuit of social justice.

We should just naturally do the right thing from deep within our very souls; a true just do it attitude! Outside influences, when YOU do the right thing, and literally, JUST DO IT, should never be a concern or even matter, and if you, as a person always stress about what others think of your correct action(s), or are waiting for ‘that’ recognition, then the bigger issue is present.  It is great to get a pat on the back, but really just to practice Tikkun Olam, take a ‘just do It attitude’, and don’t post it, don’t tweet it, don’t upload it to snap-chat or Instagram – take sincere and soulful pride and be proud inside and out and let that beam brightly and shine all around you! The glow will be amazing!!! Bring your Neshama (your bright soul and sincere spirit) out and do what we Human beings should do – practice Tikkun Olam in any proactive and positive manner we are physically, mentally, and spiritual able.

A TRIED AND TRUE SAYING IN ADVERTISING: REPETITION BUILDS REPUTATION.  If we repeat our good, most correct actions, have confidence in our abilities, have true belief day in and day out, then the rest shall follow with G-D’s helping and endearing hand.  Sometimes making some decisions are not so easy, but doing the right thing, should most definitely be…….

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