Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Ki Savo - Inside Out ; Beauty From Within


 Elul 17 & 18, 5774
     September 12 & 13, 2014

“Therefore observe faithfully all the terms of this covenant, which you may succeed in all that you undertake.” Deuteronomy 29:8
A map or GPS for success!
This portion opens with the word “Va-Haya” which means, ‘and it will be’.  In Judaism, we believe that you build your future based on your past.  There are curses mentioned in this portion, and instead of dwelling on them, we should proactively learn from and build upon to help with our successful and bountiful lives!  If you truly desire an uplifting life, take the sincere time and learn from your past, build, and walk strategically to lead to a successful life! 
This applies not only to us and our own lives, but also how we treat others, and how we act inside and outside of our homes.  Do we treat others with respect? Do we act out of kindness?  Do we offer a sincere hand when needed, and even when not needed?  Would you act alone the same as if you were being seeing in the public’s eye? 
One of my favorite words is, “RECIPROCITY”.   YOUR goodness should not be based upon how YOU are treated, but upon how YOU treat others.   Sometimes other people act out of fear, or ignorance, or circumstance, and who are we to judge; treat them with respect, and just maybe, you never know, their action in the future may just surprise you, and give you a smile, Or maybe, just maybe, your action towards them gave them a smile!....... A true mitzvah indeed, and sometimes a surprise too.
This reminds me of a story that dates back to my 20’s in San Francisco.  I was out with my friend, Dave, on March 16, year unknown, (The fact that I remember the date, shows the importance that this person that I was about to meet had on ME directly).  We were ending our night, and when we stepped outside, we were approached by two guys, one very young and one, probably in his 40’s.   Me being me, I talked to them, and engaged in conversation.  After about a half an hour of kibitzing (talking and visiting), I invited them to eat breakfast with us at the now defunct Clown Alley in the marina district of San Francisco.  They both said, “Yes”.  We hopped in my car and drove off and once there, I said, “Get whatever you want.”  I started to really listen to both of their storied lives, and after we ate, the younger of the two, literally got up and ran off, and the man stayed and we visited for a bit, and we had a great and insightful visit. I learned a lot. After our visit we went our separate ways.  About 2 months later, I was out with another friend in a different part of the city, and needed some cash, so I walked to a nearby ATM, and as I was withdrawing cash, what felt like a gun was shoved in back hard, and I heard, “give me your money and DO NOT TURN AROUND all the way!”  I turned slightly around to hand my cash over to the person with the gun in back, and I heard a voice about a ½ block away yelling; it was the man that I met a few months earlier and visited with in detail, as he was walking my way and told the guy with the gun, to stop harassing his friend (Me), and grabbed him with such force, and saved ME!  A true blessing!
That story has stayed with me for years, as I can detail that man’s face, his look, and demeanor after many years.  He remembered me at that moment, BUT I WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER HIM!  This is and was such an influence of powerful impact on me and my life!  I am obviously very thankful! As I share this story, my dad is smiling  (he smiles anyway,but...) in San Francisco, as he has heard it at least a few hundred times!  What one man did for me is what many would walk away from.  I am forever grateful!
As I have shared with my children, family and friends, “Inside Out”.  Beauty is from the inside, and that only enhances ones outside.  One’s true beauty comes from within oneself!


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