Tetzaveh D’ Var Torah
February 23, 2013 / Adar 13. 5773
Be'Okel Mo'ed mikhutz laparochet asher al-ha'edut ya'aroch oto Aharon
uvanav me'erev ad-boker lifnei HASHEM chukat olam ledorotam me'et benei
and his sons shall set them up in the Tent of Meeting, outside the curtain
which is over (the ark of) the Pact, (to burn) from evening to morning before
G-D. It shall be due from the Israelites
for ALL time, through-out the
Light; through-out our history, ‘light’ has
played a very important and impactful part.
It started back in Genesis; Genesis 1:3 to 1:4, “G-d said, “Let there be
light”; and there was light. G-d saw
that light was good, and G-d separated light from darkness.
This Parsha (Torah Portion) continues G-D’s
favor and meaning for ‘light’. Aaron,
his sons, and the Kohanim were obligated to tend to the lights of the
seven-branched Menorah every morning and evening. They were to light the wicks in the following
order: working from the last light on the right side toward the center, and
then working the last light on the left side toward the center.
A little history and side track: Italian Rabbi and scholar, Obadiah ben Jacob
Sforno (1474ce to 1550ce), had this interpretation;
‘………No matter what direction, the central
point means UNITY, in which all Jews, no matter their position, be it right, or
be it left, must convene and rally.’ …… A UNITED FRONT or that of unison, and
that of harmony.
In today’s modern era, so many good things
depend on light- Let’s just look at life itself. We look at light as reason, as of knowledge,
and of redemption, and that of darkness of superstition, of ignorance, and
death, and it seems rather easy to view this as conflicting powers, and some religions
in-fact do; But Judaism has always stood firm by its convictions and laws that
exist, and that of The creation of ONE G-D!
We, as Jewish people associate G-D with
light! It is such a metaphor that seems so natural to describe our experience
with the ‘DIVINE”, that of G-D. It started with Genesis when G-D created
light. We can feel that the action of
Darkness to that of light is the purpose of G-d and G-D’s activities for
humanity. Simply, the Jewish task at
hand….To diffuse the bitterness, the darkness of others, and share G-D’s truth
amongst all, The Light!
Through-out Torah, through our Siddurim,
through-out our prayers, we see over and over again, LIGHT.
“G-d created light”
“If your light we shall see light”
For the commandment is a lamp, and the
teaching is light.”
Oh house of Jacob, come let us walk by the
light of the eternal one.”
“The path of the righteous, is like that of
the light of dawn………..”
Metaphorically speaking, Our ancestors and we
as Jewish people can be viewed as that very olive oil that Aaron, his sons, and
the Kohanim used in that very 1st Menorah, as the that very oil
provided that faithful light, and we as Jews give and receive light from our love
of G-D and our faith!
I believe, that every Jewish Heart and every
Jewish soul, there is a Ner Tamid, an eternal light that burns from with-in,
not just when we are in Shul during times of worship, but also out and about in
daily life, in our actions, in our words, in our feelings, in our manner, in our
faith, deep within our very own Jewish hearts and souls.
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