Friday, February 21, 2014

Vayakhel - Torah Thoughts

Shabbat  February 21 & 22, 2014  Adar1  21 & 22, 5774 

In this Parsha (Torah Portion), we experience the story of  Moses receiving the architectural plans of The Tabernacle, detailed instructions and the process of building it.  
What really stood out, and holds a special place in my heart, was the sincere impact of women.  In fact, G-d gave the commandment of keeping Shabbat!  We also read the importance of the contributions of the women in erecting the tabernacle.  
The importance of reaching out to G-d is stressed in the construction.  It was to be a place that would enable one to meet G-d!  It although was NOT superior to that of the Sabbath, Shabbat!  It obviously could NOT be constructed on Shabbat, and Shabbat is weekly, and Shabbat is where we meet G-d each and every weekly, as this sets the tone.  It was the women who really understood this and had a sincere impact.
The women also did NOT compromise and worship the Golden Calf,and did not give up their jewels,etc. ; it was their husbands and men who lead them here.  Although, the women happily gave up their possessions to beautifully construct the Tabernacle!  "All wise women spun with their own hands, and they brought the yarn of the goat and that of purple, scarlet, and that of linen."  Why do I mention this?  Because it was THE WOMEN who saw the value of the goat to us!   They spun the yarn from the top of the goat's hair on the top of the goat itself.  The linen was used for the upper curtains of the tabernacle.  They saw the true value of a simple animal, the goat to our being.   The goat , pound per pound is extremely beneficial,as it yields more milk,and more wool than other animals.  Again, it was the women who saw this.
These women knew the vital importance of construction of the Tabernacle because they knew that reaching to G-d must literally be built up,and letting go of past, such as the golden calf,and allow The Sabbath to enter into our homes, our hearts and with in our souls.
The importance of women in OUR history is so very important,as they bring and create the Shabbat with in our homes.  They light the candles,they cook the meal (although some may disagree with our modern times), they create the atmosphere of love of G-d with in the Family.

Shabbat Shalom

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