Thursday, March 16, 2017

Ki Tisa - Take Responsibility for Change!

Ki Tisa -  Take Responsibility for Change!
March 17 & 18, 2017

It is read in this week’s Torah Portion, that within just a few weeks after Moses presented The Torah to the people, the masses descended to a deeply disturbing behavior when Moses was not among them and gone back to Mt. Sinai; the sinful behavior of worshipping idols! – The Golden Calf.

There was extreme upheaval, disturbing behaviors, but Moses stepped up and pleaded with such sincerity, love and thoughtfulness, and shares that benign attitude and talks to the people! He made a choice. He chose to not create even more disturbing behavior, but made the decision to try to create a positive environment and build up, and with the people through the "hiccup". 

Does this mean, we as people can practice disturbing behavior, commit a crime, tell a blatant lie, hurt another life, etc. and then immediately pray for forgiveness or just have good thoughts and all is gone, all is fine and move on?   Obviously, the answer is, of course not! Not even close!!!! 

It was the action of Moses and how HE reacted and communicated.  It was Moses who transformed/changed by his actions; he could have easily yelled and raised such havoc, but, he made the choice; if he did raise an upheaval, he would have been just like the masses….. With the action of his own sincerity and deep thought, trust from within himself, he became somewhat of a different being as did the people who also changed, transcending themselves of sins and failures.  It’s NOT just one prayer and or thought (in the instance of Moses and the Nation’s sins), but it is one’s constant choices of making the most correct decision, day in and day out, not just on Shabbat (The Sabbath).

It’s one’s own growth that plays an integral part, like that of Moses’ choice through-out his life!  It’s being loyal, reverent, faithful, honest, and standing for the right thing day in and day out, not only when your being observed and watched by the masses!  We, as human beings can observe and repeat others actions, mimic their words, and this is good, bad and indifferent!  Do we as Humans trip and stumble sometimes?  Yes, we do – that’s part of the process; it’s our own growth; we are developing and becoming more in tune, and setting our own unique and our own beautiful imprint and solid impact!

It’s true, honest, and devoted work to progressively build yourself, fully grow and accept change in one self and within his/her friends and groups! It takes deep self-refection, and effective and constant communications within your own mind, and within your group, and a sense of determination and that of sincere purpose.  We all have choices; we all make choices, we all should live happily with our choices!   

We need to choose to understand and accept the responsibility and the ability to see the entire picture and how to act or react, and how to make your impact with your own growth and within your circle. Moses most definitely did!

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