7:11 thru 7:12
Vezot torat zevach hashelamim asher yakriv laHASHEM
This is the Torah of the peace-offering that one will bring to HASHEM.
Im al-todah yakrivenu vehikriv al-zevach hatodah chalot matzot belulot bashemen urekikei matzot meshuchim bashamen vesolet murbechet chalot belulot bashamen
If he brings it as thanksgiving-offering, he shall bring along with his thanksgiving-offering matzah loaves mixed with oil, matzah wafers anointed with oil and loaves of saturated fine flour mixed with oil.
One of the first words that we learn in Hebrew/Sunday school is the word, “Todah”, "Thank you". As a young student and person, do we really understand the meaning of being Thankful, and the Hebrew word of, “Todah”? Even As an adult do we really fully comprehend the true and loving meaning of "Todah/Thank You" ?
I look back at my own life, and although I am very ‘Thankful’ for so many aspects of my life, did I really comprehend it?
I ask all of you to look in the proverbial mirror, and take a journey through your own life's and
see highlights that have made you what you are today - a beautiful person. Our life experiences have definitely help develop us and for that we should be 'Thankful'.
Friends and family add a great depth to who we are and what we become or have become- it's proactive and positive influence, or it should be.
each and everyday, we should wake up, and say aloud, Toda/thank you for what we have, and for whom we are, as WE ALL ARE G-D'S CHILDREN., and for that fact alone - I say, "Toda Rabba/Thank you so much!"
In a world that does have some evil, and media that publishes not so nice things, we must always RE-focus, as well - Thank you G-d for today, and I understand that our world isn't perfect, but Thank YOU for the beautiful opportunity to be here!
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