Friday, August 29, 2014

Shoftim - Who's The Fairest of Them All??

                 Who's The Fairest of Them All??  

                   Elul 3 & 4, 5774     August 29 & 30, 2014

 “Judges and Bailiffs you should appoint for all of your cities.”  How come it says judges and bailiffs you should appoint for you, which is SINGULAR?  Shouldn't it be PLURAL?  I thought and pondered for a moment, and soon realized, after referring to an old college text book, in the English language, “for you” is both singular and plural, of course.  The Rabbis interpret this as to mean we are to judge ourselves, not just appoint judges for our cities and government, but should definitely appoint ourselves as judges over ourselves. A very novel thought!

With this is mind, in Judaism, a person is not euphemistically lifted or transported in a manner to heaven when we enter a Temple/Synagogue/House of Worship, as we try to bring G-d down to earth and near us, and have G-d help us ‘here’ close to our own being and environment, as well as in our heart and soul.  Instead of trying or feeling sad or sorry for ourselves and maybe some pity, having G-d come to us and our ‘zone’ allows  us to experience a sense of empowerment and being able to overcome our own issues and or obstacles.    We should never feel hopeless or helpless facing our daily issues, as we CAN indeed solve or resolve them. 

There are always those people that blame others for their personal stumbling blocks or issues at hand,and extremely accusatory, and we ALL have issues one day or another.  I call them character builders!  The man who goes around and says, “If only the world would allow me to work, I’d be rich!”  Or, “Darn, I can't do this, but I could if only……   .”  Isn't it more tiresome to play the blame game and have a constant pity pot? Takes a lot less energy to be proactive and productive and grow! Stand up and believe in yourself and really judge yourself, BUT do it fairly and with an honest heart and open mind! It's your responsibility to make a change for the positive and for a  proactive forward approach for YOUR own growth, no matter what the size of growth or accomplishment. Baby steps are awesome,and gradually becomes habit,then the pace becomes a little faster,and so on!   

 President Bush, #41 on his last few milestone birthdays has parachuted from high above, a definite feat,and I will not do!  The words and attitude are instilled.....I CAN!!! He does not have a defeatist attitude, but one of a winner,a leader,as a human being! 

 Are we our own harshest critics?  Do we put limitations upon ourselves that are undeserving, may be quick to pass the buck and have a limiting self-fulfilling prophecy?  Self-judgment is tough work, so stand upright, dust yourself off, bring yourself back to Earth, take a look in the mirror, and say with conviction and aloud, “I can, and I will succeed.”  Do we all have setbacks in life? Absolutely!  One of my favorite quotes, "Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which one has overcome while trying to succeed"   Booker T. Washington      

When you judge yourself, take an Earthly position beside G-d, and walk progressively and proactively forward, and then make YOUR judgment of self! 
Mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?  Love yourself!

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