Friday, September 27, 2013

B'Reshit - Friendship

B’Reshit   September 27/28, 2013    Tishrei 23/24,5774

B’Reshit, the very first Torah portion speaks of G-d creating….. ”In the beginning, G-d created……”.  The portion speaks of human needs and one’s own power and influence, but ‘one’s’ own power is not enough, as Adam the 1st human had absolute power of the naming rights of all the animals that G-d created and placed in the world.
We also read that right after ‘man’ named the animals, ’Man’ was lonely; Woman, Eve was created! So all this POWER and ability was okay, but what one human being needed was true companionship, true love, true friendship, and one would seek a relationship with another human being.
The Rambam tells of 3 types of friendships:
1)  Pragmatic Friendship; This relationship is based on a utilitarian association where 2 or more parties need one another for a practical purpose, such as a business exchange, and once the business has ceased, the relationship is ended more or less, until the service is needed again.  Attorney/Client, Therapist Coach/Coachee person, Dr/patient, etc.  . This is the ONLY utilitarian relationship.
2) Empathetic Friendship; this is based on caring and sharing one’s feelings, both happy and sad.  It is full (or should be) of reciprocity.  Celebrations are shared with one another, or a hug and listening when one is in need of consoling.  This is an ‘enduring’ friendship.
3)Value Friendship;  TRUE COMMITMENT, and like Empathetic friendship, this is a forever relationship, but this friendship allows the inner most EVERYTHING and sharing without hesitation, and openly, with such trust, and let go of your own personal concerns and allow that ‘friend’ to be 1st,even if it is for a little bit; priority and unselfish attitude plays out here. 
So, “In the beginning, G-D created…………….”
And although the power was given to ‘man’/Hu-man, without FRIENDSHIP, we as people really have nothing!  Friendship is vital, as it makes your heart smile!
Haven’t you ever not seen somebody special in your life for a while, and the split second you see that person, you get the greatest high ever??  That is TRUE friendship, and a thing of beauty and G-D allows us that great unbelievable gift! Now, go and reach out and touch somebody, a friend and share a thought, share a smile, share a hug, share you, and allow them to share with you.  What a true Mitzvah (Blessing)


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