Friday, July 26, 2013

Eikev Torah Thoughts

Eikev :  Av 19 & 20, 5773  July 26 & 27,2013
Torah Thoughts

The Commandments/Mitzvahs and The Reality of Our Promises

In this parsha/portion we learn, “And all the commandments which I commanded you today, you shall do in order that you shall live and you will increase and you will come, and you will inherit the land.”   A great road map for anybody! It is a very powerful statement; never give up and keep moving progressively forward and GROW!  Keep learning, keep absorbing, and keep it going on, as each tiny step with the commandments is such growth, physically and spiritually.
With growth, we can achieve…………proactive achievement as long as we as individuals don’t fool ourselves into thinking ‘we’ are greater than the commandments, its meaning, its purpose, its true statement, be it back in the time of forefathers, or today, in the year 5773/2013,and with all of our distractions and deterrents.
It is vital for each person to focus on what IS achievable, not on what’s NOT attainable!  613 commandments/Mitzvahs are many, and some do not apply to you, to your brother, your sister, your mother or father, or children, or me.  To make ‘it’ work, focus on, well, “Honor your Mother and Father”.  That is very achievable and CAN be attained. Is #601, Not to dwell permanently in Egypt--Deuteronomy 17:16?  Is #603. Not to offer peace to Ammon and Moab while besieging them--Deuteronomy 23:7?  Are they attainable to you today?    The subtle point , but very clear message here is to focus on what is relevant to you, and Yes, sometimes, it is a little reach, sometimes a little work,  but the dividends and rewards are absolutely divine and well worth the promise of following the Commandment(s).
In today’s modern and sometimes ‘twisted’  and complex world in which we live in, many strive for rather lofty spiritual goals, that just have restraints due to circumstance(s), and others preach and ‘tell’ you how to or what to do, when in reality, it won’t happen, or rather cannot. It is indeed REALITY!!!
Walk your path towards it, walk at your pace, keep it in your heart, attach it to your soul and body, bind it to the door post of your home, and JUST walk, walk and keep it simple and keep your promises.


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