Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Parsha Vakira D'Var Torah

Parasha VaYikra  D’Var Torah
Shabbat    Nissan 4, 5, 5773  
March 15, 16, 2013
Barry Fineman

1:2 Daber el-b'nei Yisrael ve'amarta alehem adam ki-yakriv mikem korban l'HASHEM min-habehemah min-habakar umin-hatzon takrivu et-korbanchem.
"Speak to the people of Israel and say to them; if a man among you will bring an offering to G-D; of animals, cattle or sheep you should bring your offering

4:2 Daber el-b'nei Yisrael lemor nefesh ki-techeta vishgagah mikol mitzvot HASHEM asher lo te'aseinah ve'asah me'achat mehenah.
Speak to the people of Israel, saying; if a person unwittingly transgresses any commandment of G-D, which should not be done, and commits one of these sins in a careless behavior.
4:3 Im hakohen hamashiach yecheta le'ashmat ha'am vehikriv al chatato asher chata par ben-bakar tamim l'HASHEM lechatat.
If the anointed Kohen should sin to bring guilt on ‘the people’………….(he shall bring for his sin which he committed a young, unblemished bullock to HASHEM, as a sin-offering.)

Lesson one: 
If ‘one’ sins, it is a sin of ‘all’.  One’s judgment affects those that surround him or her directly and indirectly.  An example: A group of friends decide to rent a motor home to drive across the country to see all the beautiful sights. One friend decides he does not want to go after all, and says, “I am not going, and I changed my mind!”  Obviously his decision was decided my himself, although his action affects the entire group in a negative manner, as the fiduciary responsibility has now changed, as his portion needs to be split into the remaining partners in the trip, as do his other responsibilities with the planned trip.  He is and was part of the whole, and its entirety. His responsibility(s) now fall upon “ALL” of the others.  One falters, all are hurt.

Lesson Two:
If we dissect the Hebrew verses read above, we may ask, Why is that ‘a person, or man’ is referred to in Hebrew, “Adam” in the Torah in the manner of one’s act of repentance (as read in 1:2) ,and then the Hebrew word “Nefesh”(as read in 4:2) when referring to the depth of his sins?
In my studies and daily existence, I understand and see that it is a constant struggle to always remain harmonious in all aspects.  We as people have physical and we have soulful needs, a pure and natural struggle.  When a person exercises his/her free will and that of his/her choices of body and soul, it is really the will of G-D!  Same may be said for one’s act of transgression or sin; One’s soul is NOT focusing on G-D’s commandments!  Adam showed human purity and humanistic qualities obviously. We also must know that a pure person can sometimes be tempted my desire over that of G-D’s commandment!  We see two opposing powers with in the Torah which exist in people and it is emphasized in the above verses.
Lesson Three:
It can be stated, the distance between a person and G-D exists not only of power, presence, and wisdom, but that of a sincere ‘value’. People may achieve value in his/her own life by letting their own precepts go, and allow the connection and precepts of G-D in. In Judaism, it is rejected that man (a person) is the measure of “all value”, which would be a direct rejection of G-D and the commandments.  A person must follow two aspects; 1) Follow the commandments on how to treat one another, & all beings, and 2) one’s obligation to G-D!  It is not a choice of, IT”S BOTH!

I can sum it up the 3 lessons with a life experience from many years ago and simplify in terms that we all will get it with that of preverbal indelible ink:
I never misbehaved in school and was a good little boy. One day during music, when we were singing “hang Down your head Tom Dooley” , I deviated somewhat, and made my voice sound a cowboy singing, with quite a twang at that!  Something a 4th grader would find somewhat humorous, although half way through the song, Mrs. Burgoa sent me to the “office”, as I did not stop as asked.  I spent what seemed like an eternity in Mr. Parrot’s office explaining my actions.  I honestly felt horrible, and now my 2 minute walk home seemed like 4 hours and 30 minutes walking over hot coals, and what was I going to tell my mom; I just wanted my cookies and milk(well, a snack).  The door opened and I offered nothing to her, and kept my mouth shut.  What she did not know, wouldn’t hurt her or matter!  Little did I know that my teacher called my mom and told her, as I was such a good child, and it surprised all involved!  My mom finally got it out of me, and boy the guilt I felt was worse than the infraction, or so I thought!
The fact I remember this memory so well after so many years (a life time at that), let’s you know the act and impact and that of G-D’s will, the feeling of guilt and the memory (even after all these years), the sin itself (The infraction), and how it affected others. 


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