Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Parsha Shemini D’Var Torah

Parsha Shemini D’Var Torah
Shabbat Nissan 18/19, 5773   March 29/30, 2013

A Kind and Good Soul

And G-D said (in regarding the laws of Kashrut and Non-Kashrut), “11:19 Ve'et hachasidah ha'anafah leminah ve'et-haduchifat ve'et-ha'atalef
The stork and the heron, to its kind.  The hoopoe and the bat.” (NOT KOSHER)
The Talmud teaches us that the “Hachasidah”, The Stork was given this name due to its kindness and nature to others and instinctive quality of doing “Chesed” (Kindness) with other members of its own species.  It is believed that when a person eats and digests an animal, part of that soul is also absorbed into yours.  Interesting, as the Stork is NOT KOSHER, yet has a soul that exudes caring and that of kindness.  So wouldn’t we absorb the loving, caring, and kind nature?  Hmmm?
Closer Look:  The Stork does indeed perform acts of kindness, BUT only with in its own species, its own family.  “KINDNESS”, if it is to be performed properly, is not on a selective basis!  Chesed is one of the primary foundations of OUR personality and just one of the great attributes to G-D, and the Hebrew Word, “Rav” (Great) – “Rav Chesed” is appended.  As a person, you are obligated to act upon G-D’s example, that of “Chesed”.  It is more than just being kind or acts of giving, but it is your ability to totally shift your own concerns and focus, to that of others. 
We as humans should focus and remain with the other person’s issue at hand, and their concerns.  Kindness should be practiced to ALL of those in need, and not only a selective few, here and there.
The Stork (the animal in question) only performs acts of kindness for its own pleasure and satisfaction, which if a person did that exact action, that is a LACK of kindness as it is done at a convenience or that of choice. Therefore is it really that kind?
Your undertaking to help on a selective basis in order to effect for your own admiration or self-fulfilling need, is NOT only selfish, but honestly demeans the entire concept of Kindness, that of “Chesed” 
There are those benevolent, kind and giving people that donate thousands, and millions of dollars on a consistent basis to help aide others in need. The act of consistency is the key!  There are those persons that donate their own time to various causes in need. The act of their volunteering on a consistent basis is the key.  There is the young child that gives of his or her own allowance to a person on the street in need of a meal, be it a nickel or a dollar, that child performed that as an act of true kindness, and if circumstances allowed, I bet he or she would give to more in need!  Then there’s the lost dog in your neighborhood, and you feel awful, and know what exactly to do…you look at the tag, you make the call, he/she goes back home to his/her family, and the family that lost the dog also feels the act of kindness, in addition to the dog!
True and honest kindness shows no prejudice; it shows no favoritism; it shows no selectiveness, it has no race, it has no religion, it isn’t hateful, and it has no reason for deceit, and is 100% color and gender blind.
So if we are what we eat, and act upon that very fact, I’m glad I do NOT eat stork, that of selective kindness. As my choice is absorb into my deep soul all the good, and all the love, and to offer my hand in kindness to all.
I feel it is our obligation and our calling to put out our hands to “ALL” in need, so help that hungry person find a meal, donate to a worth-while organization or cause, spend time volunteering, or helping or reading to the elderly or visually impaired, or reach something that is placed too high in the grocery store for a person that is unable to get it , walking your dog on a regular basis, holding your child’s hand, acknowledging your family, going up to a person with-out a smile AND SHARING YOURS! 
Your own kindness comes from within, deep in your soul, so today I ask of you;
Reach down into that beautiful and loving soul and open your hand and grab another’s hand in need the very next time it is needed.

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