Parsha Bo’ -
D’Var Torah
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Barry Fineman
Let’s start
from the end of last week’s parsha (portion), Va-Era, and allow me to read the
ending of the last few paragraphs:
“My most sincere
concern must be shared now; we are in the year 2013ce, and take a look around
us, take a deep look into OUR modern world, dissect and really think about
what’s going on in front of us: Starvation, Excessive pollution, Rape, Massive
and Unexplained murdering, Slavery and trafficking, Misusage of substances
(legal and Illegal), Global Warming (Hello? Houston, TX had 90*f in December??,
Jerusalem is having SNOW now!!!!), Aids, Cancer, The West Nile Virus………….. I
can keep adding to the list, but I shall stop!
(Long pause)
Let’s make our proactive, positive and faithful impact NOW, and not
wait for the next sign of a modern plague, number 8…….. “
We’ve seen
and experienced plagues 1 through 7 inclusively, now number 8, the swarm of
Locusts all over the land of Egypt; Does that provoke Pharaoh to “let MY people
go”?, Number 9, Pure Darkness for 3 days
over the land of Egypt; Does that agitate him to “Let MY people go?”, NO, it
does NOT! Number 10, Death to the first born male of Egyptian families; and to
the first-born of all livestock; this was to include Pharaoh’s own son!
Midnight had stuck and passed, and Pharaoh awoke and summoned his servants, and
ALL had been struck!
called for Moses and Aaron, and obviously this Plague affected him
personally. He told them, “plan your
exodus, take your wives, take your children, your children’s children, and your
herds and flocks of animals, and your belongings, and I shall, “Let YOUR people go!” They packed,
and grabbed their bread before it was “leavened”, or had time to rise, so they
would not know that of famine and be able to travel and leave at that moment; A
reverent remembrance to G-d.
shared; "Remember this day in which you went out
of Egypt, out of the house of bondage; for by strength of our G-D brought you
out of this place. No leavened bread shall be eaten. G-D promised to your fathers
to give you, a land of milk and honey, that you shall keep this service in this
month, The month of Aviv. On the 7th
day, we shall have a festival to G-D. And
you shall tell your son in that day, saying, 'This is done because of what G-D
did for me when I came up from Egypt. It
shall be as a sign to you on your hand and as a memorial between your eyes,
that G-D’s Torah may be in your mouth; for with a strong hand G-D has brought
you out of Egypt, and that of slavery. You
shall therefore keep this ordinance in its season from year to year. Promise your 1st born male to G-d,
and G-d shall help us!
So it shall be, when your son asks you in time to come, saying,
'What is this?' that you shall say to him, 'By strength of hand of G-D brought
us out of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.
And it came to pass, when Pharaoh was stubborn about letting us go, that
G-D killed all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both the firstborn of man
and the firstborn of beast. Therefore, I sacrifice to G-D all males that open
the womb, but all the firstborn of my sons I redeem. It shall be as a sign on your hand and as
frontlets between your eyes, for by the strength of G-D brought us out of
To this very
day, we remember! Each and every year,
we commemorate in reverence to what G-d has done for us, what G-d has done for
our people, our survival! Pesach (Passover). A tradition that has been carried
on for the ages, and shall go on and on, as we survive, day in and day
out. It is our tribute and remembrance
to times of slavery, to times of unjust persecution, to times of severe undue
Every group
of people today, be they Jewish, be they Christian, be they white or black, or
even purple, be they Muslim, be they Greek Orthodox…..We all have experienced
persecution some time in our histories! It might have been ages ago or maybe at
the current time, but we as so called modern day people must stop and honestly
think, “Am I or we repeating the past acts?
Am I treating my fellow human as I wish to be treated?” The Golden Rule, “Do on to others as you
would wish to have done onto you!”
once again,
most sincere concern must be shared now; we are in the year 2013ce, and take a
look around us, take a deep look into OUR modern world, dissect and really
think about what’s going on in front of us: Starvation, Excessive pollution,
Rape, Massive and Unexplained murdering, Slavery and trafficking, Misusage of
substances (legal and Illegal), Global Warming (Hello? Houston, TX had 90*f in
December??, Jerusalem is having SNOW now!!!!), Aids, Cancer, hatred, The West
Nile Virus………….. I can keep adding to the list, but I shall stop!
Actions speak than words. We can apologize over and over again, but if our
actions don’t change, our words become meaningless.
make our proactive, positive and faithful impact NOW, and not wait for the next
sign of a modern plague, before
it is too late!
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