The Book of
Portion: Shemot
Saturday, Jan 05, 2013
Barry Fineman
3:1 UMoshe
hayah ro'eh et-tzon Yitro chotno kohen Midyan vayinhag et-hatzon achar hamidbar
vayavo el-har ha'Elokim Chorevah.
Moses was
shepherding the sheep of Yitro, his father-in-law, the priest of Midyan; he
guided the sheep far into the wilderness, and he arrived at the Mountain of
G-d, toward Chorev.
2 Vayera
malach HASHEM elav belabat-esh mitokh hasneh vayar vehineh hasneh boer ba'esh
vehasneh einenu ukal.
An angel of
G-D appeared to him in a blaze of fire from amid the bush. He saw and behold! The
bush was burning in the fire but the bush was not consumed.
3 Vayomer
Moshe asurah-na ve'er'eh et-hamar'eh hagadol hazeh madua lo-yiv'ar hasneh.
thought, "I will turn aside now and look at this great sight - why will
the bush not be burned?"
4 Vayar
HASHEM ki sar lir'ot vayikra elav Elokim mitoch hasneh vayomer Moshe Moshe
vayomer hineni.
G-D saw that
he turned aside to see; and G-d called out to him from amid the bush and said, "Moses, Moses." And he replied, "Here I
5 Vayomer
al-tikrav halom shal-ne'aleicha me'al ragleicha ki hamakom asher atah omed alav
admat-kodesh hu.
He said, "Do not come closer to here, remove your shoes from your
feet, for the place upon which you stand is holy ground."
6 Vayomer
anochi Elokei avicha Elokei Avraham Elokei Yitzchak ve'Elokei Yaakov vayaster
Moshe panav ki yare mehabit el-ha'Elokim.
And He said,
"I am the G-d of your father, the G-d of Avraham,
the G-d of Yitzchak, and the G-d of Yaakov." Moshe hid his face,
for he was afraid to gaze toward G-d.
7 Vayomer
HASHEM ra'oh ra'iti et-oni ami asher beMitzrayim ve'et tza'akatam shamati
mipenei nogsav ki yadati et-mach'ovav.
said, "I have indeed seen the affliction of My
people that is in Egypt and I have heard its outcry because of its taskmasters,
for I have known of its sufferings.
8 Va'ered
lehatzilo miyad Mitzrayim uleha'aloto min-ha'aretz hahi el-eretz tovah
urechavah el-eretz zavat chalav udevash el-mekom haKnaani vehaChitti veha'Emori
vehaPrizi vehaChivvi vehaYevusi.
shall descend to rescue it from the hand of Egypt and to bring it up from that
land to a good and spacious land, to a land flowing with milk and honey, to the
place of the Kenaani, the Chitti, the 'Emori, the Perizi, the Chivvi, and the
9 Ve'atah
hineh tza'akat benei Yisrael ba'ah elay vegam-ra'iti et-halachatz asher
Mitzrayim lochatzim otam.
now, behold! The outcry of the Children of Israel has come to ME, and I have
also seen the oppression with which the Egyptians oppress them.
10 Ve'atah
lecha ve'eshlachacha el-Par'oh vehotze et-ami venei Yisrael mi-Mitzrayim.
now, go and I shall dispatch you to Pharaoh and you shall take MY people, the
Children of Israel out of Egypt."
11 Vayomer
Moshe el-ha'Elokim mi anochi ki elech el-Par'oh vechi otzi et-bnei Yisrael
replied to G-d, "Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh and that I should
take the Children of Israel out of Egypt?"
12 Vayomer
ki eheyeh imach vezeh-lecha ha'ot ki anochi shlachticha behotzi'acha et-ha'am
mi-Mitzrayim ta'avdun et-ha'Elokim al hahar hazeh.
And He said,
"For I shall be with you - and this is your sign
that I have sent you: When you take the people out of Egypt, you will serve G-d
on this mountain."
13 Vayomer
Moshe el-ha'Elokim hineh anochi va el-bnei Yisrael ve'amarti lahem Elokei
avoteichem shlachani aleichem ve'amru-li mah-shmo mah omar alehem.
Moses said
to G-d, "Behold, when I come to the Children of Israel and say to them,
'The G-d of your forefathers has sent me to you,' and they say to me, 'What is
His Name?' - what shall I say to them?"
14 Vayomer
Elokim el-Moshe eheyeh asher eheyeh vayomer koh tomar livnei Yisrael eheyeh
shlachani aleichem.
G-d answered
Moses, "I Shall Be as I Shall Be." And He
said, "So shall you say to the Children of Israel, 'I Shall Be has sent me
to you.'"
15 Vayomer
od Elokim el-Moshe koh tomar el-bnei Yisrael HASHEM Elokei avoteykhem Elokei
Avraham Elokei Yitzchak ve'Elokei Yaakov shlachani aleichem zeh-shemi le'olam
vezeh zichri ledor dor.
G-d said
further to Moses, "So shall you say to the
Children of Israel, ‘G-d of your forefathers, the G-d of Abraham, the G-d of
Isaac, and the G-d of Jacob has dispatched me to you. This is My Name forever,
and this is My remembrance from generation to generation.' “
Wow, “What a
conversation and such a directive from G-D to Moses, and that of such amazing
faith!” Obviously, G-d had been closely watching and observing Mose’s very
honorable and proactive behavior and his sincerity towards human kind. G-d chose Moses! He saw his faith, his
loyalty to ‘his’ people, his devote love, his sincere manner.
today’s modern world will or should I say, “Could” a conversation similar to
this occur? Yes, I mean exactly
that……G-d to an indivual or group of, a congregation of sorts???? Could G-d give a directive to an individual
or congregation? Would that individual
or congregation adhere and/or even believe?
I am asking each of you to take a few minutes of silent thought and
close your eyes, and honestly put YOURSELF in Mose’s shoes, or should I say,
‘Sandals!!!’; YOU ARE MOSES!!!! Ready, Get set, GO!!!!!! (Silence…….Pause…)
all have had a few minutes of pure silence to think, to reflect, and be that of
Moses , but with a slight twist; It’s 2013!
Computers, TV, Cars, Planes, Over
Population, War, Aides, Politics, I Pads, Starvation, Wealth, Poverty, Pure
Love, Rape, etc. ! It is the year 2013 ACE, 5773!
did NOT write a long D’Var Torah, or plan on speaking at length; I simply needed to
share this important part of the Torah Portion, as I honestly want all of us to
write down our own heart filled thoughts, in an environment that you are
comfortable in, and think about G-d approaching you, and giving you a
directive, and that of a major magnitude of POSITIVE CHANGE! We are all here because of our love, our
sincere faith of G-d, our belief. Now, it is your turn and please give it deep
thought; YOU ARE THE MODERN DAY MOSES, and G-d just approached you, and said,
“I have chosen YOU to help the _____________________ people of
Shalom and Amen!
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